Rapid Eye Portland began on Friday September 9, 2016 as an association of Rapid Eye Technicians in the Portland area that are under the umbrella of the career school Rapid Eye Institute in Salem, Oregon. For more information on the career school, please visit them here: www.rapideyetechnology.com
Our Mission
Rapid Eye Portland embraces honor and friendship while offering sessions, classes, and trainings that help others to reclaim their lives through the gift of Rapid Eye. We choose connection; working with other community resources to increase outreach. We build community with all Rapid Eye Technicians and offer them the support they deserve.
our Vision
In gratitude, we watch the popularity of Rapid Eye grow in Portland, OR. With love and support, we create a pathway for technicians to move from certification to a thriving RET practice. We attract the help and leadership of outreach programs, to bring Rapid Eye to those who will most benefit. With grace and ease, we honor personal prosperity and service to our community. And we have a great time!
Core Values & Principles
Rapid Eye Portland prides itself on high standards of excellence and attention to technician support. Core values are quality, integrity, and being centered. Home study courses are accommodated with flexibility and sensitivity.
Fundamental beliefs & purpose
Rapid Eye Portland recognizes the worth and development of individuals, believes learning is a life-long pursuit and that students learn by doing.
We are just getting started here in Portland. We have seen many people benefit from Rapid Eye Technology and our goal is to have a physical place where people can walk in and get sessions-regardless of income status, join a class, become trained, and just enjoy our space. We greatly appreciate you checking out our website. If you are interested in any of the above, please let us know by emailing, calling us, or filling out our form on the contact page. We would love to hear from you.
“While science is forging new pathways into amazing discoveries about the brain, Rapid Eye Technology is leading the way in using a specific form of exercise that directly affects the brain.”
Banner photo courtesy of NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI_AURA) - ESA_Hubble Collaboration.